Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring in the Suburbs

One of the many differences between Paris and the States, is that in ten minutes you can be on the grounds of a chateau, or visiting a palace. Today I went with AWG's hiking group to Bourg-la-Reine, a suburb five short miles from Paris, where we got off the RER and were greeted by green tree-lined paths, flanked by a gorgeous old building. As we rounded the corner, a breathtaking chateau came into view. Apparently in April the area surrounding the meticulously manicured grounds is full of cherry blossoms, and according to the token male on the hike, are more enchanting than DC's due to their density. I see a picnic with Matt one Saturday afternoon, under the trees, chateau in view, bottle corked, in the future. Every turn, every corner and every path led to beauty, peace, and something new to take in. As we wandered up a dirt path, upon looking to the right, there sat a gorgeous, authentic French estate. It just so happened to be open that day (a famous writer's home, although I forget whose) so we took a little detour to roam the grounds and delight in the crocuses that were sprouting up, adding a deep purple to the lush green. I am exhausted from the eleven miles (and LOTS of gabbing), but eleven miles very well spent! Now onto the French homework....

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