Tuesday, March 23, 2010


In French class I thought it was cute that they kept using the word premiere for the "first example," "first arrondissement," or when dictating something to us. I still enjoy hearing the word tossed around with such informality, although I now know it is the French word for “first” and nothing more. It just sounds so much more sophisticated and gives the “first” of many things that needed zest. For example, the premiere time you tell someone you love them. The premiere time your husband learns that you are not a natural blonde (and how much it costs to keep it looking that way). SO much more than a “first.”

Although I have had many firsts here in Paris, this weekend was chock full of premieres.

Fashion Show at Gallerie Lafayette (front row at that): What started out as a day meandering through BHV and onto the Marais for the world’s best falafel (my premiere experience for that as well) turned into an up close and personal look at the long-legged models that were sporting the season’s finest attire. The show was divided into themes, where outfits deemed “Brooklyn Boheme” to “Hitchcock” graced the runway. What will never be a “premiere” for me was the sock and sandal combo. I don’t care who makes that sock, it is not finding a home in my sandal -- ever. However, I have found a new favorite designer (Manoush), but after going to look at the line after the show, I am not sure there will ever be a premiere purchase for me. I could buy my premiere home for what a dress costs.

A farewell to Paris: Matt and I took our first mini-break, and left the capital of fashion for the capital of Champagne. Reims was quite lovely, with an ancient cathedral where many famous kings were crowned, not to mention the plethora of fleurs-de-lis on both the royalty attire and the tapestries in the Palais du Tau. The highlight of the trip, however, was my premiere visit to a champagne cellar. The Tattinger caves housed millions of bottles of champagne -- that were in the process of being turned into just that. The science behind the manufacturing of champagne (and the time and energy that has to go into it) is tres intriguing, and makes me like bubbly that much more! Did you know that they introduce yeast into the wine to make it eat the sugar and produce carbonation? Then they freeze the dead yeast and extract it before it is sold? You are basically sipping a high-end science experiment. The champagne we had at the end of the tour was the best I have ever had, making this the premiere time I have actually enjoyed champagne. (It doesn’t count as a first since I liked it and I was in Champagne. It automatically gets bumped up due to the situation.)

A change in change?: I pride myself on being careful with my (and, now, our) money. We take earlier trains to save a few euros, even if it means forgoing much needed slumber. We buy the cheapest shampoo at Carrefour (which just so happened to have oeufs in it (to you English speakers, that would be eggs)). But after this weekend, I think that I may have had a change of heart. You see, it all started when we walked in to Hotel Du Nord in Reims, sopping wet, and couldn’t check in early. Understandable. However, when we finally did check in, despite the yellow and red toile on the wall, I do believe I would have preferred to have showered in that rain instead of our salle de bain. I don’t do dirty, and I am starting to think that thread count (as in sheets that have one), are more my speed. Could it be that I am changing my ways? For the premiere time, I am starting to think that I would rather have less mini-breaks, and instead sleep during those weekends away (a severe case of the heebie-jeebies was the culprit this weekend). For those of you who know me well, this paradigm shift may be disturbing, since my thriftiness defines me. However, I promise to be wearing Target attire while sleeping in my three-star hotels. And, just so as to not let you down completely, I will continue to pack my own snacks, cart around recycled water bottles, and wear the same outfit the whole weekend so as to not pay for baggage or rack up high laundromat bills upon return.

1 comment:

  1. Ash and Matt ... I'm soooo looking forward to my premiere visit to Paris next month with MJZ and RCN. Please let me know what American favorites you've been craving!
