The weather in Paris this past week could best be described as impetuous. It has been warm, topping out most days around 13° C (which, now that I've finally memorized the conversion formula, I can confirm is about 55° F); after the cold and gray of January and most of February, this is most welcome. But it also changes very quickly. One minute, the sun is out; the next, the wind is whipping, splattering rain against the windows.
My office has been a good place to watch the weather. The windows are big and south-facing, and I'm high enough up (le quatrième étage, which in the U.S. would be "the fifth floor," since Europeans don't count the ground floor) that I can see across the rooftops of the buildings across the street. The only quirk is that if the sun starts shining too brightly, I have to open one of the windows to lower, like a flag, a black mesh screen. When the sun goes away and I want more light, I open the window, pull the rope to raise the screen and then tie off the rope on a cleat.
-- MBB
My office has been a good place to watch the weather. The windows are big and south-facing, and I'm high enough up (le quatrième étage, which in the U.S. would be "the fifth floor," since Europeans don't count the ground floor) that I can see across the rooftops of the buildings across the street. The only quirk is that if the sun starts shining too brightly, I have to open one of the windows to lower, like a flag, a black mesh screen. When the sun goes away and I want more light, I open the window, pull the rope to raise the screen and then tie off the rope on a cleat.
-- MBB

Clouds rolling in.

The view down Boulevard Poissonnière.

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