So, why is the time in between my posts getting longer? There are a number of factors at play, some more favorable than others. I am starting to have a social life! I am meeting new gals, planning coffee talks, and baking for upcoming events (and sampling the baking for upcoming events). I am trying to get out and explore more, as it is imperative that I know my surroundings and feel comfortable in them. And then there are reasons that lean towards the more unfavorable. My house collects dust like Carrie collects Manolos. I am constantly sweeping, scrubbing and vacuuming so that I feel like I am not living in squalor (now I just need to paint the unfinished walls in the bedroom and bathroom, install an oven, and rewire the apartment for heat). Library book due? Gossip Girl DVDs need to be returned? One and a half hours later, I have arrived at the ALP, only to turn around and trek back home. Round trip: three hours and two very sore feet. And then there is my new "job" (not to be confused with my French lessons that start Monday and will be three days a week, three hours a day). I am the writing the print for the American Women's Group auction catalog. The event is going to be spectacular, and the auction items are insanely impressive. Louis Vuitton, Hermes, chateaus, homes on the Ile de Re, fine paintings, round-trip business class seats, but most of them I am unfamiliar with (send a Target dress my way and no research would be necessary). So, it takes this bargain shopper who likes to vacation in hostels, a little more time than it should to come up with clever text. But, to whet everyone's appetite for the big day, and to stir things up a bit, I have also been writing a weekly column for the AWG e-blast. I have hit a new low, and have stolen from the library. Not tangible material, but let's just say that "Gala Girl" was not without some assistance from a few DVDs.
So, whereas my writing used to be solely for the blog, it is now being blasted out to hundreds of women weekly. Don't be embarrassed when you read the text, as I have done a good job of not attaching my real name to any of them. As I mentioned in my last post, I am hoping to make friends, not lose them, so keeping these posts free of AMB is the best course of action. That, and making sure that I bring the best baked goods possible to each event I attend. So far, so good. I say this as I sit here with a freshly vacuumed-floor, surrounded by the aroma of Trader Joe's Truffle Brownies, waiting for one of my new pals to get here so we can go to a cafe and "people watch." Gala Girl would be proud.

As all it-Parisians know, the event of the expats is inching towards us. The Marriott Rive Gauche will be turned into a black-and-white wonderland for the American Women Group's Gala, an event that all are eagerly anticipating.
What to wear? Whom to lock arms with upon entrance? And most importantly, how to secure a highly-coveted ticket? Rumor has it that they will be distributed shortly to member's mailboxes, and are a sight to behold. An inside source divulged that, "Paper has never looked so good." The noteworthy auction and tombola donations are impressive and plentiful, and the committee is working hard to make sure that no attendee will forget their evening---a night for the books. Only those books worthy, of course.
But the real question on the mind is, What to buy the night-of to support this outstanding cause? We insiders all know that a sneak-peak into the auction items is critical, and reserved for those in the know. So what gives?
Spotted: A chic, sunglass-wearing woman toting a bag into the AWG's Headquarters in the 7th with a Clarin's logo daintily spelled out across the white sack. Rumor has it that not only is Clarin's donating a skin care gift basket, but the list of hot, talented stylists auctioning off their services is growing daily (growing with style that is, if you are the lucky purchaser); Hair Bar and A Cut Above to just whet the palate. It simply can't go without note that Guerlain has also made the prestigious list of beauty items up for grabs. You could walk out a changed woman (while simultaneously changing someone else's with your purchase).

Gala Girl

Good evening Parisians,
Gala Girl here. The Gala gossip just keeps getting juicer. We all know that in order to fit in with the jet setting crowd and Hollywood royalty, a trip to a French chateau is a must. Brangelina is set to purchase one in April, 2011, while currently leasing. Not in the budget? (It is a recession, you know). The AWG Gala is your ticket to the glamour and prestige of a being chateau-bound, minus the need to make that multi-million dollar commitment.
Chateau d'Artigny, nestled in the picturesque area of the Loire Valley and near Chignon, is the original, and not to be confused with the hotel by the same name. We all know that phonies and cronies are a dime a dozen in Paris (and so very passé), so AWG has made sure that your chateau experience will be one of true authenticity. Speaking of, do not forget your J.P. Gautier at home. Although it may not be near a large body of water, there is a moat (sans dragons).
The Chateau d'Artigny also has to offer a fine boutique of antiques. As you showcase your fabulous new items in your flat, think of how magnifique it will sound to say, "Oh that? I got it when I was weekending at a French chateau." Don't divulge that it was after you were dining with Brangelina. Too much jealousy amongst friends is never a good thing.
And yet, the juice doesn't stop sizzling there. One of my reputable sources saw the Gala committee sipping café crèmes last Wednesday while chatting about the fantastic gift bags that will be privy to those in attendance of the grand event. While secrets are no fun, some are meant to be kept. But it never hurts to slip just a little information, as we don't want anyone to miss out on the Clarins.
Whoops! Did I do that? It is almost as bad as if I were to let known that next Gala Girl will be an interview with one of AWG's hottest.
Stay tuned, and start practicing your paddle skills.
Gala Girl
Good evening Parisians,
The vivacious and "in the know" Lindsey Tramuta, cornered on the corner of rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud and Rue St. Maur, at Le Chat Noir, the "Central Perk" of the hip Oberkampf neighborhood. Tramuta sat down with Gala Girl for only a few moments, as Le Chat Noir was just the first in the lineup of an afternoon of socializing and it-scenes for the jet-setting and enviable Tramuta.
GG: What buzz have you heard about the "Black & White" Gala?
LT: I've heard it's going to be quite the event - with dinner and dancing, great music, great food. I'm excited to get dressed up for the evening!
GG: If you could predict the actions of your paddle, would it move more for beauty (product and services) or art work?
LT: I'm definitely more inclined to spend on beauty (products and services), despite how much I like art. The brands that are donating to the event are some of my favorites, so I can't miss out!
GG: Attire: chic or classic?
LT: Chic! This is supposed to be a stylish Gala so I hope people will break out of their shell a little bit!
GG: Beverage preference: rouge or blanc? Bubbly or still?
LT: I'm partial to white wine and champagne and I don't think there will be a shortage of either at the event!
GG: This has been deemed the possible Parisian party of the year. What do you have to say to those poor souls that may miss it?
LT: Those who can't make it or choose not to come will be missing out on one of the most affordable nights out in Paris - how often can you get a sit down dinner, open bar, wine and champagne AND dancing? We'll make them all jealous!

Stay tuned, and start practicing your paddle skills.
Gala Girl
GG: With the noteworthy date of March 27th quickly approaching, please enlighten us on how you are going to get your auction paddle arm limber and strong enough to beat out the other bidders.
BA: Have worked up to 80 reps with 20 lb weights and practicing the phrase "Outta my way!" in French and English.
GG: The auction item list just keeps getting longer and more luxurious. From Louis Vuitton, to week-long getaways in the Ile de Re, the options are impressive and drool-worthy. Please leak to the Gala Girl readers how you plan to spend your evening---going for the goods, or securing your next vacay?
BA: Why choose? I'm doin' both!
GG: When the wine auction is complete, and the attendees are full on scrumptious savories and ready to break it down to the excellent music selection, are you predicting rug-cutting or cutting-up?
BA: As I said, Why choose? I'm doin' both!
GG: Fashion week just ended, and the nouvelle lines are out. Any recent observations on how to tie in white to accompany that LBD (for all new GG readers: Little Black Dress)? We all know that a dress-code is not to be tampered with.
BA: Welllllll, there are pearls, newly whitened teeth, an armful of "pain de mie" and bobby socks....rock on!
GG: L’Envol and Coeur de Femmes are the two charities benefitting from this event. We all know that philanthropy trumps personal fulfillment. However, could you comment on the idea that this event seems to be the perfect combination of both?
BA: Indeed it is the perfect combination of philanthropy and personal fulfillment, so "attend and spend" should be the evening's motto!
As Barbara puts down her crown and heads for the carats, we all know it is just a matter of time before this queen graces
Will it be pearls? Will it be pearly whites? Whatever your white, just remember to bring your green. It seems to me, however, that there is only one color that sums up how you will feel if you miss this star-studded, momentous event: blue. And we all know that is never a flattering look.
Stay tuned, and start practicing your paddle skills.
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