As I sat down yesterday in my obnoxious pink scarf (secured at the Hermes
soldes) with my white pants, stone-colored poncho and BR flats (this outfit being my “middle finger” to all the Parisians in black on this glorious spring day), attached to my Blackberry and all in a tizzy as I was leaving my Bee meeting late and was therefore off-schedule, I experienced divine intervention. Or at least pretty close. As the metro-pulled up, I flew up from the green egg-shaped chair with my poncho cape-like in my dust. I was busy typing a text apologizing for my soon to be tardiness, when I plunked down in the nearest available seat without looking up. Text complete, I put my head up to take a deep breath and survey my fellow 2pm metro companions. As I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of stink, annoying breathing or excess spillage from my seatmate, I looked over. There, sitting next to me, was a demure, deeply engrossed priest clad in all black, reading his Bible and most likely thinking pure thoughts. I couldn’t help but take a snapshot in my mind of what a pair we made --- me in my white and pastels typing away in my sunglasses, while he sat there calmly in all-black, reading his pocket-sized Bible. He was the one sporting the correct colors for Hell, but I was the one going there. It made me slow down for a minute and just think – something only the good Lord himself would be able to make me do.
In an attempt to slow-down and recount, here is a snapshot of activities I partook in from the last few weeks that I deemed Bible-worthy (in honor of the priest, I will be rating my experiences using a scale based on Bibles ... which apparently turn into ampersands post-Word).
Lacroix exhibit at Quai Branly &&&&
-An amazing green space with an even cooler museum! The most interesting section of Lacroix’s exhibit was the large collection of ornate, celebratory burkas.
“I eat you, you eat me” at La Maison Rouge &&&
-The concept of an exhibit based on cannibalism was tres cool, but the pictures were mildly disturbing (especially the sushi made with human body parts). I would definitely go back to the Rose Bakery within the maison (as long as their menu does not include human).
American Prayer exhibit at the National Library &&&&
-The priest would not have approved of this one. The title was based off of a Jim Morrison poem and included many American (pornographic) pop-culture items. Lots of original manuscripts and nipples.
Dior exhibit at Le Bon Marche &&&&
-Enough said.
And, when I wasn’t busy texting, flying around on the metro, or having God speak to me, here are some snapshots of note.
Celebrating Elise's birthday at chez nous
On our way to the US Ambassador's Residence for tea
Divine decor in the Ambassador's pad
Monday night splendor

les Levets at "Suck me I'm Pamplemoose"

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