They say home is where the heart is. Yesterday as I watched my kiddos from Enfant du Monde clap, sing, dance, and best of all, smile, I couldn’t help but momentarily feel at home. Although it is stark contrast from the actual situation of these young adults, I do believe that it is how you act and feel that makes you feel at home---even if you are miles (and continents) away from that spot. My friend Sarah’s husband, Sidney Benichou, an amazing recording artist who speaks multiple languages and has a special place in his heart for children in need, came to entertain the kids as they munched on their Betty Crocker cupcakes (not sure those were as much of a hit as they had a much higher content of sugar than the children are used to from their native lands, but intrigued by the colored frosting and packaged mix the students and staff were). Not only was Sidney a flawless performer, he ignited a spark in the kids that I have not seen since my time with them began.
So what is it that makes us tick, and more importantly, how do we find that joy wherever we are? I think that after six months removed from my native America, I can see more clearly than ever what I need in order to be able to feel at home: a community that appreciates who I am and what I can offer. This has nothing to do with money, or what I can tangibly contribute. This is a deeper contribution, and it comes from the heart. I got nervous a few weeks ago that the only thing helping me to feel at home here in Paris was going to be washed away. It was a very selfish concern, as the children themselves would have truly been home-less in the literal, much more problematic sense. However, as of yesterday it appears that there is hope, and that once some major kinks are ironed out, I will be dancing and singing with these children once more---and potentially forevermore.
As my heart and mind yearns to be back in a place where I feel that I can give back on a daily basis, I need to remember that it is fate that brought me here (and a wedding ring), and fate that has allowed me to realize my calling in the first place. As I already look forward to next Friday’s lunch, I need to recognize and acknowledge that it is my heart that receives such satisfaction out of being with these intriguing and powerfully uplifting youngsters. And if home is where the heart is, then just maybe I can call Paris home. And if Target, my other true love, ever makes its way to Paris, I may even consider staying put.
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